Focus Scripture:

I Corinthians 6:19:20: "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, who you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Casio Jones

In life you do not find many compassionate people that will offer free fitness tips over a computer. Casio Jones did exactly just that for me in my life. Through Facebook, Casio came along side and asked what my weight was, what were my struggles, and showed me what I had to do to get my life back on solid ground once again. Casio is a t.v. fitness instructor, body builder, an actor, model and minister of God and good health and father and book publisher. This man is full of energy and motivation. Casio is a firm believer in the program ACTION 65. In his program book it teaches you how to have a healthy new life style. He teaches you through Biblical principles how to position yourself to fight this battle of weight issues. He has a dvd that goes along the book with multiple exercises. Casio has what foods for you to eat and so many other great things. Casio does not do this to make millions or scam people. Casio does this because he truly desires to show people that changes are possible. Casio wants to help you achieve your goals and cheer you on and be a support to you in the best way possible. Casio showed me how to get my life back. I gone from a 42 waist to a 36. I gone from 260 pounds to 214 in 7 months. I once had type 2 diabetes and severely high blood pressure, kidney issues, high tryglicerides, high cholesterol and now I have stabilized all of these according to my doctors. My kidneys are now functioning properly. PLEASE go to his web-site www.action65 .com to order the book if you would like extra help. Tell CASIO that Bobby Daltry sent you. Let's get you back to where you want to be today. With Casio, you will see God's word is true. When you see major results happen right before your eyes like I have. Thank you Casio Jones, and trust me people the Gospel Music Industry wouldn't turn to this man if he couldn't deliver in making results happen in there life. Please let me know if you are serious about starting the program so I can help get you a started and we can go through the journey together!

-- Achieve mental, physical, social, and spiritual wellness in just 65 day s!

"Keep MOVING & Stay Happy!" Action is the key for life! "Pray more, Move more, Love more and Enjoy more!" - Casio Jones

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